Some trouble with the 3D printers delayed some of the large prints but they're completed now. We've test fitted the parts by assembling them together, found some imperfections, redesigned, reprinted and now all the plastic parts of the prototype are assembled. The central PCB is the only thing not yet fitted, we've finished designing it but not fabricated it quite yet. Over the next few days we'll be continuing mechanical tests of the prototype, especially the operation of the hinge. Fitting the centre PCB should come soon after, then we'll spend a while testing that the low level microcontroller programs behave as well in a fully assembled prototype as they did in a collection of PCBs and breadboards. Below are some pictures of the prototype assembled, to get an idea of scale the robot is close to 30cm on the longest direction between docking spike tips.
The Omni-Pi-tent prototype partly assembled, waiting for the central core component to be fitted, with it in place the large channel you can see running through the centres of the black bevels becomes the battery casing. |
The fully assembled prototype, all assembled except the central PCB, to be located just aft of the blue central core section. |
The prototype viewed from behind, notice the green worm gear to power the hinge. |
A test of the hinge motors and gearing, using external circuitry until the centre PCB is ready. A video will be uploaded in the next few days. |
The hinge mechanism demonstrates its strength by lifting the prototype up on it's front and rear (number 4 and number 2) ports. Tests of elevating the hinge with weights large enough to replicate the torques experienced when lifting a 2 robot chain will be performed soon. |
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